Ayurvedic Yoga Program
Experience your complete self
Service Description
Have you ever wondered why after attending general yoga classes some aches and pains in your joints and tissues never seem to go away with even some new ones getting triggered? The difficulty lies in the fact that general yoga classes are neither individualized to your body type nor your mental constitution, and since they are group classes they overlook the current physical limitation(s) you might be struggling with. At Complete Warrior Fitness we first guide you through a complete health evaluation prior to creating a unique yoga regimen. That particular health evaluation is based on Ayurveda, which literally means “The Science of Life.” It is an ancient system of medicine and is a sister-science of Yoga. Asana Practice, or the various positions of yoga, will serve you best when practiced hand in hand with main Ayurvedic principles. Experience your complete self, and book the evaluation today! *$20 is the introductory rate for the initial session/consultation.

Contact Details
345 N Eric Dr, Palatine, IL 60067, USA